Friday, August 16, 2013

thoughts on a Friday

I just found out I can post using my Samsung tablet, it's a slower process, but the glitch in my computer still isn't letting me post.

It's been a busy week.  On wednesday I had to fight early morning traffic to get to downtown Denver by 8:oo am for an appointment with my neurosurgeon. Paul wasn't able to go with me because he was at another location having a CT scan of his heart as well as some other heart tests.  The traffic was awful, so I left the interstate highway and found some side streets that got me to the medical complex in plenty of time.

After my appointment I hurried back north to attend our monthly  Christian Womens Connection.  After that we met two other couples for dinner, and after that I hurried to my ladies Bible study and potluck dinner.  So it was a very busy day, but very rewarding.

Last night and today my grandchildren here are at our house.  Their mama is in Reno for a two-week course at the National Judicial College.  They are offering interesting classes including safety for judges.

After a few hours of outside play, we'll be going to Chick Filet for lunch; their daddy will pick them up this evening.

Our weather has been perfect lately...I love this time of year.

I lost my cell phone last week somehere in the house or car.  After several days of futile searching, I bought a new one --and then found it the next day...isn't that what usually happens?

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