Saturday, March 26, 2016

The day before Easter

It's spring, it's the day before Easter -- but when I look out the window I see new snow on the ground and on the trees.  Yes - it snowed last night.  In February and the first weeks of March, we had many warm days, in fact this past Monday and Tuesday the temps were in the 70's......and then came Wednesday and the worst blizzard we have had in a long time.  It reminded me of the blizzards we experienced in South Dakota in my childhood.  We got almost a foot and a half of snow - hard to tell exactly because of the drifts.  Even the airport had to close, and that is very unusual because it was designed to stay open in all kinds of weather.  Traffic on the highways was at a standstill - some people were stranded on the roads for over eight hours.  Fortunately, we were at home - but the electricity was off.  You never realize how much you depend on electric power till you don't have it.  I had just started doing the laundry when it went off.  No lights, no heat, no TV, no computer (thankfully I do have a tablet that doesn't run on electricity).  We own a generator, but the blizzard was so bad, Paul couldn't go outside to get it out from the garage and hook it up to the house -- till after 4:00 when the wind finally died down.  Our house stayed pretty warm though so we didn't suffer very much.  We have a woodburning fireplace, but because the weather had been so warm, we no longer had firewood in the house, but after the blizzard ended, Paul brought in lots of wood and the fireplace fire soon made us very cozy. The electricity finally came on at abut 7 pm.  Then on Thursday and Friday much of the snow melted because the Colorado sun came out in all its glory.  You wouldn't think living a mile closer to the sun makes much difference, but the sunshine here gets very intense very quickly.

So without electricity, we couldn't listen to the news on TV, till I remembered I had a little radio that ran on batteries.  The good thing was we didn't have to listen to all the political trash.  This campaign  for president has been just awful -- so much mudslinging, so much hatred, so much vulgar talk -- and it all can be traced back to Donald Trump - who is the frontrunner on the Republican side.  What on earth is wrong with Republicans for backing a man like that!!!!  No matter how much he brags about himself, the truth is that he is in no way qualified to be President of the greatest country in the world.  For that matter, none of the candidates really appeal to me but no one is as slimy as Trump.  All my friends - both Republicans and Democrats - say they can't in good conscience vote for any of the candidates.  I do like John Kasich, but I refuse to vote Republican because of the very disrespectful way the Republicans treated President Obama.  It's to be expected that the people in Washington as well as the average citizen will disagree with a president who is of the other party, and that's ok, but that doesn't mean it's ok to treat him with such disrespect, accusing him of things he never did, obstructing everything he's trying to do for our country, always being against him no matter what -- all to the detriment of our country.  In my 80 years, no other president has been treated as badly as this president has been treated; is it because of his race?  For example, Marco Rubio in his campaign speeches often said that Obama wants to take people's guns away, that he wants to eliminate the second amendment -- and that's completely untrue.  Pres. Obama has never said that; he would like to find a way to keep mentally ill people from getting guns and find a way to stop these senseless killings, but he has never tried to do away with the Second Amendment -- and Rubio constantly accused him of that.  And Trump has told even more lies about him.  Of course, Trump lies about everybody other than himself.....And then they all promise to eliminate Obamacare their first day in office, which is ridiculous because this health plan has made it possible for millions to have healthcare who could never have it before.  Furthermore, since this healthcare is a law, a president cannot eliminate it -- a movement to strike that law down would have to start in Congress - and they've already tried, and it's even gone to the Supreme Court and been upheld.  People -- when politicians make promises like that -- think it through!!  Most of their promises cannot be believed!

OK, enough of that tangent.  Glad I got that out of my system for today. 
My cleaning ladies are coming this morning -- they are such a blessing, it makes my life so much easier.  They have been cleaning my daughter's house for more than 10 years, and now she is paying them to clean my house.  Thank you thank you thank you!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

My least favorite presidential candidate

Unfortunately, my least favorite presidential candidate also happens to be the front runner on the Republican side.  How can so many people be so foolish as to be swayed by his stupid arguments!
These days there are lots of protesters at his rallies, and he calls them "thugs" and "hoodlums" and encourages his audience to be violent towards him.  The protesters that I've seen are women who were not acting in a threatening manner, and men who also were demonstrating peacefully.  And now this candidate says his right to free speech is violated!  What about the protesters?  Don't they have a right to free speech?  If this man becomes president, we are in for a terrible four or eight years, because he is doing exactly what Hitler did when he came into power in Germany in the early 1930's - if you don't believe me, just read some history. 

None of the other candidates have protesters at their rallies because they make sense when they speak!  They are speaking about their policies and their beliefs instead of insulting Mexicans, Veterans, African-Americans, Muslims, women and anyone else who might possibly disagree with this man.  He continually lies and twists the truth - and his followers believe him - just as the Germans believed Hitler.  He claims to be a successful businessman, but his past is full of failed businesses where he came out on top but thousands of others had to bear the brunt of his bankruptcies and failures and scams.  Don't believe me?  Read about "Trump University" for one thing.  And anytime someone doesn't do as he says, he threatens to sue - and of course he supports a huge block of lawyers that are lacking the same morals and ethics that this candidate is lacking.

Most of all, I can't imagine why any Christian would vote for him.  He claimed he was a church-going Christian -- but his record does not support that.  His life does not show the values of a Christian man who is trying to live a righteous life. 

I've heard so many of his followers say they like him because he is not "politically correct".  There is a huge difference between "not being politically correct" and being rude and mean and nasty and a liar.  Folks - just because Donald Trump says something, don't -- I repeat DO NOT assume it is the truth because most of the time, it isn't.