Sunday, February 28, 2016

Watching a movie

An immoral, egomaniac who will stop at nothing to get his way gets to be president --- that's the kind of movie I'm watching, it's Season 3 of "House of Cards" from Netflix.  It's a very good movie but it is really scary because it's exactly what will happen if the current frontrunner on the Republican side becomes president.  I cannot understand why the people who like him so much don't see through all his lies and blustering and name calling and grandstanding.  He has not come out with any workable policies.  So he'll build a wall at the US/Mexican border and make Mexico pay for it???  Really?  When Mexican leaders have already said they would never pay for it - and this bozo candidate just says "oh yes they will".....  What's he going to do, declare war on Mexico???  His slogan "Make American Great Again" -- is such a joke.  America has never stopped being great!  If it wasn't great, how could someone like him become so rich and successful!  We all have more freedoms, personal wealth and a better quality of life than the majority of the people in the world.  We are so blessed!  And this candidate is trying to get us to hate our country and what it stands for.  Please people -- wake up and pay attention to the truth about this man!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

At the game

Both of my grandchildren are very athletic, and we love going to watch their games.  In summer it's soccer for both of them, and in winter it's basketball.  My grandson plays in the league that includes his school and several other private schools andthe teams are 3rd and 4th graders.  He's in the 4th grade, but he's the shortest kid on the team, but that doesn't stop him.  He's very fast and very sly and does well.  At this age, they have a limit of 6 baskets per player and then they have to sit out the rest of the game.  He has scored out several times.  Last night was the final tournament game and we had fun watching him.

The other team came with 10 players so they were always able to put in 5 rested players; my grandson's team just came with 7 players, and they all got plenty of playing time.  Unfortunately, the other team won -- 12 to 10. 

Last week we watched my granddaughter's game; she's in the 5th grade, and is in a YMCA league, all 5th and 6th graders.  Her team lost last week, probably because the other team had 4 very tall 6th grade girls who were always able to steal the ball and make baskets.  But they still have fun.

Tomorrow a friend is celebrating her 100th birthday; there will be a special luncheon for her after the church service.  Her mind is still very alert, but her eyes are no longer very good.  I can hardly imagine all the changes she has seen in her 100 years. 

I'm planning to live another 20 years which would bring me up to 100, but of course -- I'm not the one that's in control!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

This makes 7

Six of my friends have passed away since the middle of November, and this past Sunday we got word that my first husband died suddenly of a heart attack Saturday night.  He is #7, and I always heard that deaths just come in 3's. 

People who have never been divorced do not understand that a divorce decree does not cut off the emotions one or both of those married people had for each other.  In the case of my first marriage, I assumed we would be married for life, that we would be soul mates forever, but it was not to be.  But in spite of everything that happened, I still cared for him -- after all, he was the father of my child.  The last time I saw him was in April of 2003 when he came to Denver for our daughter's wedding; there really wasn't much time to talk, but we could very easily have had a very nice conversation, even though I really wanted to remind him of how much he hurt my daughter and myself.  All this time I had still been praying for him that he would return to faith in God, but I don't know that it ever happened.  Part of me was also hoping that at some time he would apologize for all he had done -- because he never once said he was sorry.  My daughter had the same feelings.  All her life she's been hoping that he would be the father she wanted -- and it never happened.  When she first heard that he died, she grieved, but soon that feeling was replaced by a feeling of freedom.  Now she no longer has to hope that he will be what she needs and be disappointed.  I also have that feeling of being free -- I no longer have to hope to hear him admit to his wrongdoings and say he's sorry..... 

"Vengeance is mine, says the Lord...."