Saturday, October 1, 2016

I have to speak out

I've not posted anything for a long time - but the time has come where I have to publish my opinions about the current presidential race.

I cannot understand why anyone, especially anyone who is at all intelligent, would vote for Donald Trump.  Here are some of the reasons I say this:

He calls Hillary Clinton "crooked Hillary" when his history is full of fraud and dishonesty.  Examples:  During the time the Cuban Embargo was in force and no one was supposed do business with Cuba or spend money in Cuba, Trump did just that.  The invoices for his attempt to join in business with Cuba have been shown on TV, and they are legitimate.

On almost all of his buildings, his subcontractors were not paid the contracted amount, and were pressured to accept cents on the dollar.  This was his regular business practice with "the little guys".

He had six of his businesses declare bankruptcy (he disputes this, but the evidence is there) and he walked away with millions while the people who worked for him got stiffed, receiving pennies on the dollar if anything at all.

He has insulted just about everybody:  veterans (John McCain was not a hero???  Does he not know McCain was given the opportunity to be released from the VietNam prison, but he chose to stay till all his men were released, going through many years of torture. 

He insulted the Latinos; the Muslims; the African American population, women (there are so many examples of all this that I won't list them here).  He says he didn't say the things he's accused of but it's all on video tape - he did say those things on national TV. 

He always lies.  He insists he didn't say something -- but it was recorded and there is proof that he said many things that he denies he said.  And then he has the gall to call Hillary Clinton a liar.

He calls Hillary a fraud (and many other names) but never shows any evidence.

He constantly asks to see Hillary's 33,000 emails -- What on earth does he think is in them?  She was Secretary of State for 4 years, traveling to 102 countries, and anyone in that position would send and receive many emails.  She has apologized for having a home server - what more can she do?  She has said if she could re-do it, she would do it differently.

He has called Hillary horrible names, inciting his followers to says things like "kill her"....that is not presidential behavior.

He has not shown the kind of temperament a President should have.  Example:  Barack Obama has gone through almost 8 years of constant criticism, much of it based on untruth, like the whole 'birther" thing, yet President Obama never called the critics bad names, or criticized them in return, he always maintained dignified, professional, presidential manners.

Trump even suggested that his "Amendment 2" people do something about Hillary -- trying to incite an attack on her.

Trump tells so many lies about Hillary's policies; example:  he has often said "she will take away your guns, she will do away with Amendment 2".  That is a complete lie.  She is in favor of having stricter background checks to keep guns from terrorists or mentally ill people.  She has never said she would do away with Amendment 2 or take everyone's guns away.  Trump is a liar.

He accuses Hillary of not having the stamina to be President.  As Secretary of State she traveled to 102 countries and was able to maintain her stamina and her ability to be an effective Secretary of State.

Hillary has spent her adult life in public service - especially working for the good of children everywhere.  Trump has spent his entire life in trying to make more money and more money in whatever way he can without going to jail.

Trump constantly criticizes the Clinton Foundation which has actually done a lot of good in the world.  Now the truth is out about the Trump Foundation -- the money supposedly donated for charity was used to buy a $12,000 painting of himself, and pay thousands of dollars of his legal expenses.  It also comes out that the Trump Foundation never did the proper registration with the State that is required of all Foundations.  What a fraud he is!!!

I could go on and on......  But basically, he is the most unprepared, undisciplined, dishonest, lying, dangerous person who has ever run for president in our country.  That's why Putin wants him to win.

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