No one has disowned me yet after reading the last blog about my political thoughts...
After all, this is my blog and it's the place for my thoughts and beliefs..
I am continually amazed at what people say about the presidential candidates. Recently during a committee meeting that I attended, one woman said "I don't know who to vote for - both of them are anti-christs!"
In this case, I would even defend Romney; even though I don't like him, he certainly can't be accused of being the anti-christ.
But the Barack Obama that the Republicans are fighting against is entirely a figment of their imagination. Their description of him is so far from the fact -- I just wonder who makes up all that stuff..
Some of my Republican friends cite the movie "Obama's America - 2016" as proof that he is not a Christian and that he has a plan to destroy America. I haven't seen the movie, but I've researched it; it was made by a man who emigrated here from Mumbai and became very active in the far right political activities. It would be as if someone from the far liberal left would make a movie about Romney. And they call it a documentary. I understand that in the movie, it states that Obama learned his hatred of America from his father. That seems strange, since first of all - he doesn't hate America, but also - his father left the family when Barack was two years old, and there was contact with him only one time after that!
In this month's issue of Oprah Winfrey's magazine, she interviewed both Mr. and Mrs. Obama, and Mr. and Mrs. Romney (not at the same time of course). She asked Mr. Obama what it means to him that he is a Christian. His reply: "it means that Jesus died for my sins".
But I'll get off that subject for a while.
Thursday evening we were invited to my daughter's home for a belated birthday dinner. I stayed the night because I was going to babysit the next day -- the children had "fall break" from school.
Joey had to model his "great white shark" halloween costume. It was so cute. We always have so much fun together. They are both taking piano lessons and doing very well; the method this teacher uses is unlike any method I ever knew but it seems to be working well.
On Thursday we had our first snow of the season - altogether we got about four or five inches of good, wet snow. So thankful for the moisture!
Angel Food Cake
12 hours ago