Tuesday, January 8, 2013

This and that.....

It's January 8th already, the new year is starting off just as fast as the old year ended.  We've had some cold days recently, but no new snow since Christmas Eve.  Yesterday and today the temperatures will actually be quite warm, but then a cold front is coming in and the possibility of some snow.

My grandchildren were out of school yesterday because of teachers meetings; their daddy was on a business trip and their mommy was working, so this grammy had the privilege to take care of them.  We had a very laid-back day, taking our time getting up in the morning and having a quiet, long breakfast. 

It is so much fun watching children in their uninhibited playing, with the belly laughter rolling up out of them.  They have a very good supply of toys (as you can imagine with so many aunts, uncles and grandparents), but they prefer to play with each other using their very active imaginations.

Carly spent a lot of her time knitting a scarf that she hinted might be for me:

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We made a visit to "Old McDonald's" for lunch and a chance for them to run off their energy in the playground. 

About ten minutes before 3:00, I got a phone call that the realtor would be showing the house between 3 and 5:00 which meant we didn't have much time to straighten out the rooms and leave.  Fortunately, the children had made their beds and cleaned their rooms that morning, so we hurriedly picked up what had to be picked up, tried unsuccessfully to put 100-lb Lucy in her kennel -- she is a stubborn dog!  She wanted no part of the kennel, so I put her in the front seat of my car and we headed off to a park to play for a while.  The children had a good time and so did Lucy; I, however, was getting cold and tired!  It's hard not being young anymore!!!

The house had just been put on the market the day before, they are only interested in selling if they get the price they're asking.  Houses in their price range in that neighborhood are very seldom on the market, and with the low interest rates now, it definitely is a seller's market.

It was dark when I got home last night, and I tried (but failed) to stay awake to watch some TV.  This morning we're heading off to our health care clinic where I have to attend a class about avoiding falls.  Yes - I took another fall yesterday; the children were playing and accidently bumped into me, and once I was on the floor, Lucy thought I was down there so she could play with me, and I'm no match for such a big dog.  I'm not sure this class will be any help but I'll give it a try...

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