Sunday, March 31, 2013

He is risen!

And all the people answered "He is risen indeed" - this was repeated several times in the worship service this morning.  We went with Darold and Cathy to the church they have found; there was good singing and a very good sermon.  After the service we went to The Pineapple Room for brunch.  Oh my goodness!  It was a feast including a dessert table filled with carrot cake, chocolate cake, pecan pie, cheesecake, and many other goodies...we had a hard time waddling out to the car.  But to get to the exit, we had to go through the gift shop of course.

This week has passed so quickly.  On Wednesday the men dropped me off at a mall while they went antiquing.  Fortunately I had my power chair because it was a really big mall.  It was fun exploring and three hours later the men came back to get me and my packages.  That evening we all went to dinner at a place  called "Cheddars".

The next day we toured President Andrew Jackson's home--he was our 7th president.  That evening we went to dinner at The Claim Jumper where I had the best clam chowder of my entire life.

That's all for now -- the final part of the TV show The Bible has just started and tonight it's the story of the Resurrection.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

And then....

We headed southeast.  We were a little nervous, because according to the weathermen, a bad snowstorm was heading exactly where we were going.  We wondered if we shoud try to get ahead of the storm or try to stay behind it.  We decided to stay with our originally planned route and take our chances.  Apparently the snowstorm was really bad in Kansas City which was just where we were headed.

When we arrived in KC we were pleasantly surprised ---it had stopped snowing and the roads were not at all bad.

We continued on our way to Branson, MO, stopping at interesting places along  the road like a cheese factory where we could sample hundreds of kinds of cheese.

Thrre was no more snow but it was very cold.  After arriving in Branson, we settled in at our favorite hotel for s well deserved night's sleep.

The next morning we continued southeast for a loooong drive across Arkansas, stopping for night at Forest City.

After another good night of sleep we headed for our final destination-- Darold's house in Nashville, arriving there at noon.

  Waiting for us was Goldie's daughter Kathy who lives in Asheville, NC and had come to take Goldie to her home for the week.  With her was her son Kody who is in the Air Force,  stationed at Andrews Air Base.

After driving these 1700 miles we were glad to be welcomed by Darold.; he and his wife moved to Nashville last fall and this was the first  time we visited them.    They were able to buy a beautiful  house because houses were so much less  expensive in Nashville than the one they sold in Denver.  I hope I can take some pictures tomorrow and post them here.

It was so good to see Darold and Cathy again We sure do miss them!

Since then we've been busy -- and will contine the story later....

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Road time

We were in Freeman this past Saturday, attending the 46th annual Schmeckfest - literally a feast of tasting all the German-Russian foods that my people have always enjoyed .

 Foods like homemade chicken soup, green bean soup, pluma mous, poppy seed rolls, kuchen, and many others.  The main event of the evening was the community's presentation of the musical "Fiddler on the Roof".  It was very, very well done, I really enjoyed it.   The temperature that day was 18 degrees!!!  I did not enjoy that part of it!

The next morning my cousin Goldie joined us and be continued.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

This is me

Hack Hack Cough Cough -- this is what I'm sounding like...and I don't even want to look in a mirror to see what I look like!  I still have bronchitis, but am on some meds now that hopefully will soon have me feeling good again!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

It was unexpected

Several inches of snow fell last night -- we certainly didn't expect it but the moisture is welcome.  Later this week the forecast is for temperatures in the 60's and 70's.  Colorado is funny that way.

I'm still coughing and not feeling well, but not feeling bad enough to go see the doctor.  It's been a week now, so it should be half over, I would think.  I'll be so glad to be feeling good again!!!!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

They were right

The weathermen had it right this time, it's been snowing and blowing all day.  I'm thinking there must be 6 or 7 inches of snow already.  That's ok -- I have bronchitis and wouldn't be going anywhere today anyway.  If this isn't better by Monday I'll visit my doctor, but hopefully I will stop coughing soon. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

March is our snowiest month

Yes it is -- and April is almost as snowy.  Yes -- when all the rest of you are having spring, we are having snow.  Yesterday it was 69 degrees, today is supposed to be almost that nice, but tonight a snowstorm is moving in and the forecast is for 8 - 14 inches -- and we will be thankful for it because we need the moisture so badly.

I just got home this morning after a night at my daughter's house.  Her husband is on a business trip (he travels a lot in his job) and my granddaughter had an appointment for a sonogram, so I went to pick up my grandson from school and then just stayed the night.  It's easier than fighting the rush hour traffic to get home, or to drive in the dark.  Things like that never used to worry me, but now that I'm 77 and my eyes aren't as good as they used to be, I'm much less likely to drive at night.  I love watching my grandchildren play.  They have so much imagination and would rather play with each other, making up things, than to play with toys.  But that doesn't mean they don't like toys, because they certainly do and they have a very good assortment of them.

I'm fighting a cold and a cough, and I need to get busy with laundry and cleaning, so that's enough of a posting for today.

Monday, March 4, 2013

More snow

This morning I went to my once-a-month Bible study which was very, very good; I'm not teaching it now, so I can say that.  As I left at noon, it started snowing, and before long was snowing quite hard, but I grew up in South Dakota and learned to drive on snow so I took my time going home and made several shopping stops.  By the time I got home, the sun was out, but I think we got about 2 or 3 inches of very wet snow -- Thank you Lord!

It's been a busy time lately, and my schedule looks like it will be busy right up to the day we leave on our spring trip.  On Saturday I got out all my spring and summer clothes, washed and ironed them, because where we're going -- it will be spring...or maybe not...but we're heading southeast so the chances are pretty good for warm weather.  It was a big job, especially since I only got started at noon after spending the night at Tanya's house.  Bill was on a business trip, so I picked up the kids from school and took care of them till their Mommy came home from work.  I had bought a big bag of popcorn for us to enjoy that evening; unfortunately, in an unguarded moment - the popcorn disappeared into the mouth of Lucy - the 100 pound Bernese Mountain Dog.  Earlier in the day she had gotten hold of a package of chocolate chip cookies and ate all 40 of them!!!  When she was younger, she was terribly rambunctious and caused me all kinds of problems; I'd go home with bruised arms from where she would jump on me.  Now she's quieted down a little, and just loves me -- she expects to sit on my lap -- yes all 100 pounds of her!

Yesterday was such a good day.  We had such a worthwhile Sunday School class, and the Pastor's sermon was also really good.  He spent all last year on Ephesians chapter one; he's now in chapter two and yesterday he parked on verse 6.  Then in the afternoon the women's ministry sponsored an afternoon of Bunco for women, and it was so much fun!  I got to know some ladies I hadn't met before and I was very glad I had gone.  But after such a busy weekend, I was really tired this morning, but it's a good tired. 

When I got home from shopping this afternoon, I started fixing some homemade chicken noodle soup -- this is soup weather!  Paul is fighting a bad cold, so the soup will be just right for dinner.  We saw the cardiologist last week, and the decision was made to postpone his surgery for a while, which is fine with Paul.  I trust the doctor, so it's fine with me too.