Saturday, October 26, 2013

Things are better

Paul had his open heart surgery,
had to be re-hospitalized for what was thought to be pneumonia, congestive heart failure, and COPD,
but turned out to be mainly fluid overload
And now he's home again and doing better.
Getting a little stronger every day, even if he doesn't think so.
Yesterday he went outside and drove his little garden tractor for a few minutes. 
He's so used to be working all day long that this enforced time of doing nothing is very hard on him.

I'm feeling a bit better too. 
I got very exhausted.  I stayed at Tanya's house because she lives only a 10 minute drive from the hospital and it was very convenient.
However, from the parking lot to Paul's room was a very long hike, and I was exhausted by the time I reached his room.
But he's home now, and getting stronger every day.
I've had so much help from his children.
Darold is here from Nashville, staying with us, and that is such a help and a joy.
Sharlene comes every day to massage is legs and other muscles, and is always bringing food.
Dale and Janette help too; Dale is limited by his recent back injuries, and Janette is limited because she lives a long distance away.

And now - I'll have another cup of coffee.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Tonight's update

Today was the second day since Paul's open heart surgery; the doctors say that all is as can be expected at this point in his recovery.  He is in a lot of pain, but the nursing staff is very good about trying to stay ahead of his pain with appropriate pain meds.  He is still not entirely coherent, but that too is to be expected.  It was a long surgery, and there are still tubes coming out of his lungs and elsewhere.  They had him up and walking several times today, but it was very exhausting for him.  Paul is one who never complains about pain or fatigue, but it's very obvious that this is very hard for him.  In the meantime, I'm staying at Tanya's house because it's only a 10 minute drive from the hospital, and it's a beautiful drive through tree-lined streets - and the leaves are in their beautiful fall colors now.  Darold is keeping things under control at our house, and tomorrow he, his brother and a sister will be painting my living room.  I am so grateful for family and friends, and for all the prayers that have gone up to heaven in our behalf. 

I am very tired and will be going to bed shortly and I'm hoping for a good night's sleep.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Our first taste of winter

Yesterday morning it was snowing -- the heavy, wet snow that brings us the moisture that we need so badly.  It stopped after an hour or two, but in the mountains it's still snowing today.  That is a good thing for the ski industry; there are many people who can hardly wait to get out there, everyone wants to be the first one on a slope each season.  I have never felt that attraction but I admire those who can ski so beautifully.

One of the blogs I follow is "Mennonite Girls can Cook" and on yesterday's blog there was a recipe for creamy bacon and potato soup.  It sounds like it would be delicious, and I have all the ingredients so it's on my "to-do" list for today.  Normally I'm not a fan of potato soup, but the bacon makes it sound good.

I've finished making the ruffly scarves for our Christian Women's Connection sale on Wednesday; now I'm going to lay it all aside but will take some yarn along to have something to work on while Paul is in surgery.  It will be about a six hour operation, and of course the intensive care unit after that so I'll have plenty of time to make some more scarves to use as gifts (or for myself).

And now -- it's time to get going for the day.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Another busy day

I have a few minutes left before leaving for a committee meeting that will take up mot of the day.  Then it will be on to Tanya's home, pick up the kids from school, and spend the night with them.  Their Daddy is on a business trip and their Mom has to work late today, so this Grammy is always happy to help out.

Did I mention that on Monday I baked 12 loaves of zucchini bread?  The freezer is full!  It's such a good feeling to always have it handy to give as a gift to someone or to serve when someone shows up unexpectedly. 

Here's a picture of my two favorite girls:

The children are growing up so fast!  It seems like only yesterday that this 14-month old sweetheart joined our family.  She and I have a very close relationship, as do her brother and I.  I hope I have many years left so that I can see them grow to adulthood.
Well - time for me to go.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Beautiful Autumn

Fall in Colorado is beautiful, and today is one of those lovely autumn days that you wish would go on forever.  Not a cloud in the sky, the trees are still green, except the sumac has turned bright red.  The temperature is just right -- not hot and not cold. 

I've been very busy with several projects.  Next week our Christian Women's Connection is having their annual fundraiser for Stonecroft Ministries.  I have made 128 greeting cards to sell at the sale, each one is different.  It was so much fun!  Here are a few of them:

I'm also making the ruffle scarves that are so popular now.  The sale is next Wednesday, and I should have about a dozen made by then; they sell for $20 each.   Here are a few:

They are very easy to make, and it's fun seeing them take shape and knowing that the finished product will be sold and the money used for missions.

Otherwise, I'm just trying to get everything ready for what will happen soon - Paul's surgery.  His son Darold will be coming from Nashville and will stay with us to help with the work around the house and yard.  I am so thankful he is coming; he is very much at home here, and knows where everything is, and really will pitch in and help.  In the meantime, I'm just trying to keep Paul alive so he can have the surgery!  He is one of these men who thinks he can do everything, even when his heart is telling him "slow down" -- he's like the Energizer bunny, he just keeps going and going.....  You often hear of someone dying of a heart attack when everyone thought he was perfectly healthy -- that would be Paul, but his children and I are trying to make sure it doesn't happen.

I think it's about time for a nap or at least a little rest for me.  I've been doing laundry all day, plus went to Costco and Walmart and straightened up the house now and I am tired!!!