And then -- no more political commercials for four years! Hallelujah!
Since Colorado is a "swing" state, we have been inundated with political commercials on TV. They are non-stop, one after another, the same ones over and over. The mute button on our remote control has never been used as much as during this campaign!
I don't mind the commercials that are positive about what that candidate is planning to do if he wins the election, but unfortunately, most of the ads are negative about the opposing candidate. So many of the Republican commercials have outright lies about President Obama and his record, and it makes me so angry!
Another thing I'm angry about is the amount of money spent on this campaign -- when there's so much poverty in our country, it's obscene to spend a billion dollars on a presidential campaign. There is a Republican casino owner in Las Vegas (I know his name but I won't mention it; if you want to know the name, send me an email and I'll send you the internet link to read about it) who vowed he would spend up to $100 million to defeat Obama; as of this summer he had already spent $45 million - mostly on TV commercials. I hope that $45 million is a complete waste.
I was in a meeting this morning and one of the women said "Obama is a Muslim"; I would have corrected her but I think not too many of the ladies heard it so I let it pass. President Obama has never been a Muslim, but that is a lie that so many people like to spread. He has been a Christian for more than 25 years, and in the October issue of "O" magazine, there is an interview of him and he is asked what it means to him to be a Christian. His answer: "To me it means that Jesus died for my sins." They would rather believe a candidate who is part of a cult that doesn't believe in the Trinity, that believes that men can be baptized for the dead, that believes the Book of Mormon is another inspired word of God - plus other non-Biblical beliefs. I don't get it.
One more day and then I'll quit with my political ranting and raving!!!
But then what will I have to write about????
Lemon Delight
21 hours ago
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